(Citizens Against Excessive Regulations)

An organization of citizens who are opposed to excessive regulations that increasingly threaten our Constitutional Right to own and enjoy our properties.

An organization of citizens who are tired of government agencies abusing their authority to regulate our lives.

An organization of citizens who are tired of our country being run by administrators rather than the people. 

Our Homes

We must preserve the right to own and enjoy our homes.

Current Issues 

  1. The State of Montana's proposed floodplain expansion and regulations that deprive citizens the right to own and enjoy their properties as provided in the 5th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.  (Click here for Floodplain information
  2. Missoula County’s 2022 zoning regulations (MCZR) violating the 5th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution by drafting regulations that take private property through unreasonable and excessive regulations.  (Click here for 2022 Zoning Regulation)

Who is affected

  • Homeowners are at risk of losing their existing homes due to excessive regulation and changes in the way government regulates how we use our properties.
  • The cost to landlords trying to comply with excessive regulations are passed on to the renter.
 Renters who dream of having their own home
  • It's already hard to save for a down payment for property while paying high rent. Increased rents due to excessive regulations makes it that much harder. 
Our children who will grow up with a dream of having what mom and dad or grandpa and grandma had
  • Past generations were able to buy properties that they could gradually fix up and improve over the years to meet their family needs. Many times that meant building with what you had or compromising what might be deemed today as meeting code or county building standards. Today city and county planners and engineers insist that you hire an architect to design every aspect of your home and landscaping before awarding a permit. Those costs stop many from even thinking of buying a fixer-upper.   

America's Future Homeowners

If we preserve the same opportunities past generations of Americans have had to work hard and own our own homes. What are we going to leave behind for them; a corporate owned apartment?

Get Involved

  • Help stop excessive local government regulations. 
  • Help stop the expansion of floodplains and zoning. 
Contact CAER to see what you can do to preserve the America way of life.

Contact CAER today!